Hotel Information

Williamsburg Lodge
310 S. England Street
Williamsburg, VA  23185
Reservations (800) 261-9530

Click HERE to make a reservation

Cut-off date for reservations: June 24, 2025

Individuals must identify themselves as being with the Virginia Summer Institute for Addiction Studies conference, in order to receive the group rate. Individuals must guarantee reservations with a valid credit card that will be charged at the time of booking for the first night’s room and tax. Cancellations made inside seven (7) days, and no shows will forfeit the first night’s room, resort fee and tax. Guests who depart early after check-in will be charged for the entire stay.

Self-parking is $5.00 per guestroom, per night for overnight guests. The charge will be applied to the guestroom reservation, and a parking pass will be given to each guest upon arrival.

Guests who are not staying at the hotel will pay using Hotel’s parking App. Directions for using the App are displayed throughout the parking areas.

Hotel room rates, at this time, are $152.08 a day. This price includes applicable state and local taxes ( $9.38 state tax, $6.70 city tax,  and $2.00 per night per room occupancy fee) in effect at the time of check-out.

All room rates quoted are 2025 daily, single or double occupancy under the European Plan.

Complimentary access to the fitness center and pools at The Spa of Colonial Williamsburg.

Complimentary access to the Historic Shuttle during regular operating hours.

Complimentary wireless internet in all guest rooms and meeting spaces.

Discounted admission ticket to the historic area for duration of the meeting.

NO resort fees.